T h e C l i m a t e C u r e S e r i e s
The Natural Order+ (Teacher Demo)
Learn about the cycles that keep our planet in balance, how they've been disrupted, and what we can do to restore the natural order.
A solutions-based approach to learning about climate change and sustainability.
A solutions-based approach to learning about climate change and sustainability.

Entertain to Educate
Peak into the course:
Module 01
Changing Trends
Learning Outcomes:
Featured Experts:
Professor Tiffany Troxler, Climate Research Scientist
- What is Climate Change and how do we know it's happening?
- How do greenhouse gas emissions create a cause and effect chain?
- What tools do scientists use to track planetary vital signs?
- What are the future projection scenarios?
Featured Experts:
Professor Tiffany Troxler, Climate Research Scientist
- Use NASA tools to analyze changing trends in CO2 levels and ocean temperature.
- Research the highest greenhouse gas emitting industries.
- Step into a climate time machine
Module 02
The Impacts of Climate Change
Learning Outcomes:
Featured Experts:
Delaney Reynolds, Founder of The Sink or Swim Project
Professor Tiffany Troxler, Climate Research Scientist
- What is the hierarchy of needs?
- How does sea level rise cause displacement?
- How do changing weather patterns affect food production?
- How does deforestation affect access to clean water?
Featured Experts:
Delaney Reynolds, Founder of The Sink or Swim Project
Professor Tiffany Troxler, Climate Research Scientist
- Use an interactive map created by NOAA to explore sea level rise projections, and view areas experiencing partial to total flooding at different sea level rise scenarios.
- Use a Food Security interactive map to see what areas of the world could experience extreme food insecurity by the year 2050 due to changing weather patterns.
- Hear from teens that have already been impacted by climate change.
Module 03
The Climate Debate
Learning Outcomes:
Featured Experts:
Delaney Reynolds, Founder of The Sink or Swim Project
- Why do some people disagree about climate change?
- Where can we find valid sources of information?
- How can social media impact beliefs create deeper cultural divides?
- How can you overcome climate anxiety?
Featured Experts:
Delaney Reynolds, Founder of The Sink or Swim Project
- Gain tools to use when seeking out information.
- Reflection activity to cultivate hope and positivity.
- Podcast conversations that outline the climate debate.
Module 04
Restoring the Natural Cycles
Learning Outcomes:
Featured Experts:
Steve Davis, Chief Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Nicki Minaxi, Research Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Tasman Rosenfeld, Environmental Educator
- What are the processes that keep water, nutrients, and carbon flowing throughout the planet?
- What activities short-circuit these cycles?
- What is the "tragedy of the commons" and who's responsible for protecting shared resources?
- What is deforestation and what's driving it?
5. Which are the most extractive industries?
Featured Experts:
Steve Davis, Chief Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Nicki Minaxi, Research Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Tasman Rosenfeld, Environmental Educator
- Research drivers of deforestation, pollution, carbon emissions, and water extraction.
- Explore the Everglades to understand why wetlands are crucial to protecting the flow of natural cycles.
Module 05
Nature Based Solutions
Learning Outcomes:
Featured Experts:
Steve Davis, Chief Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Nicki Minaxi, Research Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Houston Cypress, Miccosukee Activist and Artist
- What are Nature Based Solutions?
- How can we work with nature instead of against it to restore the balance of natural cycles?
- What's the difference between climate change adaptation and mitigation?
- How does wetland restoration solve a lot of our urban issues?
Featured Experts:
Steve Davis, Chief Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Nicki Minaxi, Research Scientist at the Everglades Foundation
Houston Cypress, Miccosukee Activist and Artist
- Use the Think Nature game to address your virtual town's climate issues through nature based solutions.
- Play The Climate Game to try and reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.